Sotetsu Timetable for Thru Services

Sotetsu Timetable for Thru ServicesSotetsu Timetable for Thru ServicesSotetsu Timetable for Thru ServicesSotetsu Timetable for Thru Services

A new approach to timetables to intuitively visualize complex through-service operations due to the opening of the Sotetsu / Tokyu Shin-Yokohama Line and the direct operation of the Sotetsu / Tokyu Lines.

Very complex destinations are represented by the color of the departure time, and the five train types are represented by the color and pattern of the underline, assisting in the intuitive understanding of information.

Color accessibility was considered, and efforts were made to avoid color combinations that are easy to mistake, but there is still room for improvement in visibility.

Based on the actual timetable at the time, but the actual operation information may differ.





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